Team Development



Team Development is all about bringing people together and making them more effective.


People come together in teams towards the creation of greater results for the whole. However, the journey isn't always a smooth ride as group cohesion and group effectiveness is reliant upon many factors.


Teams draw together separate individuals, each with their own experience, expectations, preferences, levels of understanding and engagement, personalities, styles and much more. It’s no surprise then, that at times, it’s a bumpy ride.



Team coaching is a highly beneficial process that’s designed to assist a team with any or all of the following:

  • The Vision and Purpose – where are you going and why
  • The Strategy and Planning – how will you get there
  • The Details – a plan into action
  • The Challenges – when the action isn’t working
  • The Drama – when it’s all coming apart


Benefits of Team Coaching

  • helps to identify and work on the reasons for gaps in a team’s effectiveness
  • helps to provide an open dialogue for the resolve of group challenges and a common language going forward
  • builds on the strengths of a team
  • breeds more fun within the group
  • builds rituals of success
  • establishes ‘rules of engagement’
  • streamlines priorities
  • helps to improve poor or low performance
  • encourages the team to think more broadly
  • opens up communication channels
  • grows individual self confidence and awareness
  • empowers greater personal responsibility and accountability
  • grows mutual respect, empathy and trust
  • identifies and works through barriers to performance
  • energizes the team to ‘go the extra mile’...and so much more


Team Coaching Programs can consist of

Retreats and Workshop formats / Group Coaching / Individual Coaching


Following a thorough discussion to understand your/your organisations specific needs and requirements, a team coaching program is designed and costed for your approval.

CONTACT US if you're ready to talk about how your team can be more effective.